this mortal form has grown weak. i need sustenance!
Hi. My name is Angelica. I'm quite peculiar at times but I won't elaborate on that. I code skins, used to edit stock photos to be resources, and a lousy/lazy blogger lol. I used to make GIFs as well. You may look them up at my previous tumblr account. If you don't like Doctor Who and Tom Hiddleston, gtfo. Thanks! :D
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Personal: Dilute my creativity
Welp. I was just looking at other people's codes, designs, etc. and I looked at my previous works. Right after, I realized, my creativity is already sucked dry. My recent works are just so flat and bad. I will not be posting on blogskins until I get my creativity back. So, yep. Maybe I'll be back on June. I'll probably stop making banners and icons now too because it's not fit for the coming up layout I have for this blog. I might post some tutorials until June and put up a scrapbook of designs here (with css codes, of course) so do check back whenever you have time.

You'll still find me lurking around blogskins though. Love you, guys! ♥ :)
