this mortal form has grown weak. i need sustenance!
If you are going to use my skin as it is, just go ahead and skip this. If you are going to touch my codes then use my skins, DO READ THIS.

May I edit this and use this (skin)?
- Yes, of course you may. Just don't touch the credits section. That's the usual drill. Just do not redistribute it. We will get to that issue on the next question.

May I use your basecodes?
- Yes. Because in my experience, nobody asks anymore. You just catch them using your basecodes and you can no longer do anything about it. So, yeah, go ahead and use it. Just be sure to do the following:
  • Keep me credited in a proper way. If you don't know how the hell to do it properly, just copy paste the codes below. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  • If you see that I took JQuery codes from certain websites, keep them credited as well if you will carry their codes on your new design. This goes the same for icons, bg-img, etc.
  •  Change the layout. By layout, I meant the arrangements of the page elements. Don't just change the colors, fonts, width, height, borders, icons, etc. REDESIGN IT. Not doing so is still considered ripping.
 May I redistribute it?
- Yes, you may, provided that you solemnly swear that you will abide by the rules cited above.

P.S. I'm a nice person and I would love to see your works if you use my basecodes so you can just message me the link to your work at blogskins or tick the contact button. Okay?
